At Timeo-Performance we strive to improve the world of work for everyone. On the occasion of yesterday’s International Women’s Day, I am focusing this week on the world of work for female employees in 2018. The topic Diversity & Inclusion has been discussed for decades with little success in improving diversity of companies. Daniel Goh, a Non-Constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP), described the stagnant Gender Pay Gap in Singapore, which remained the same between 2006-2016, as "unacceptable". According to a study by NUS Business School in 2017, the Gender Pay Gap in Singapore is at a general 10%. For women in top positions, it means an additional 43.2% GPG compared to their male peers.
Here are my top reads on fair work assignments, how to report on gender pay gap, developing and promoting your personal brand as a female leader and why Diversity & Inclusion is everybody’s business.
1. For Women and Minorities to Get Ahead, Managers Must Assign Work Fairly
Organisations have been trying to improve diversity in the workplace for decades — with little success. If we want to see a change in the diversity of our companies, we have to start including assignments in our diversity initiatives. We have to start paying attention to who is always procuring the conference rooms and who is always pitching the clients.
2. Gender pay gap: Six essential checks you need to make now
Nobody said that GPG reporting would be easy to achieve, but with the right resources it can be done. This article shows how you can provide your organisation with the understanding needed to develop a narrative for employees and other stakeholders.
3. How Women Can Develop - and Promote - Their Personal Brand
Personal branding has some unique challenges for female professionals. Research has repeatedly shown that women are subject to a phenomenon known as the "likability conundrum." Gender norms presume that women should be agreeable, warm, and nurturing, and when they violate these norms they're often penalized for that behavior in a way that men wouldn't be. Learn about three strategies to navigate this conundrum.
4. Reasons Why Diversity and Inclusion is Everybody's Business
The recent #metoo movement has highlighted how far we still have yet to go to achieve a safe workplace and how diversity and inclusion have now become a CEO-level issue around the world.
BONUS: Can we protect AI from our biases?
As humans we're inherently biased. Sometimes it's explicit and other times it's unconscious, but as we move forward with technology how do we keep our biases out of the algorithms we create? Documentary filmmaker Robin Hauser argues that we need to have a conversation about how AI should be governed and ask who is responsible for overseeing the ethical standards of these supercomputers. "We need to figure this out now," she says. "Because once skewed data gets into deep learning machines, it's very difficult to take it out."
About Timeo-Performance

We were founded with a vision to improve the world of work for everyone

We are in the Skills Business!
Through recruitment, training and consulting, Timeo-Performance provides solutions for increased performance of companies, teams, and individuals. As our clients are in the center of global business and often serve the APAC region, our solutions need to be sustainable in a multicultural and remote context.
Our joint venture with Akteos, the European leader in intercultural training, and partnership with digital learning solutions provider CrossKnowledge have therefore been organic and logical additions to our service. Timeo-Performance has been helping companies in APAC increase business performance since 2008 with offices in Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong Kong.
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As busy professionals, our schedules are often filled to the brim with meetings and tasks to complete. We can get so caught up with work that we might even forget our all-important lunch and power through dinner as well. Alas, we can only do so much given the 24 hours we have in a day. While time management is vital, being productive is another matter in its entirety.Enter time batching.