As leaders, problem-solving has become second nature to us, and we jump at every opportunity to assist when needed. Be it when our teams face challenges at work, or even when friends or acquaintances need opinions on matters that trouble them. And it definitely feels good to offer a solution in an instant. It solves the problem at hand and makes us feel better as a person. A win-win right? Well…
By doing so, we might be restricting growth and, in a way, introducing an easy way out for those we are helping. It boils down to a short-term gain yet, a long-term pain because no one improves given the situation. But by stopping yourself from giving your opinion or a solution, sitting them down, and asking the right questions, you can achieve the best outcome for everyone. This is one of the most effective lessons I’ve learned from coaching. It unlocks the potential of ultimately making those that seek our help better. Thus, a short-term pain with so much to gain in the long run.
So how then can we stop ourselves from doing something so natural to us and, at the same time, not offend people by teaching them to “fish” instead of giving it to them, as quoted from the famous saying. Let’s find out more.
This Is How The Best Bosses Coach Their Teams

I truly believe that having the ability to coach is one of, if not, the most important skill for every leader or manager in the workforce. It creates a whole new dimension and approach when it comes to communicating with our co-workers and teammates. It also helps us to restrain ourselves from jumping in, enforcing the concept of short-term pain, long term gain.
The Right Questions Are More Important Than The Right Answers

As elaborated in one of my previous articles (have a read if you have yet to), asking the right questions is so much more crucial than obtaining the right answers. There is so much untapped value when the right question is asked. It opens a whole new room of conversation, which can lead to incredible insights and opportunities.
5 Ways To Give Feedback That Inspires People To Grow, Not Shrink

Feedback is tough, no matter the situation. Both when giving and receiving. And yet, it is such a vital ingredient for improvement. But when it comes to short-term pain and long-term gains, proper etiquette of giving feedback must be in place for optimal impact. Have a read to learn more.
Bonus : ASKing The Right Questions – Simon Sinek “Start with Why”
This week, I would like to share a short speech with everyone. This is one of those “old but gold” short videos that is enriching and insightful no matter the era. One that I can always return to, to remind myself and gain inspiration again. In this video, Simon Sinek talks about the golden circle model all leaders that want to inspire action in others should be aware of.

Going hand in hand with today’s topic, we can reference the golden circle when helping those that need our advice while applying short-term pain, long-term gains in mind. Remember to start with the whys. Have a watch, and I hope it inspires you as much as it did for me.
With that, I would like to wish everyone a great week ahead!