Being appreciated is one of the most amazing feelings. A positive sense of value and fulfillment for a job well done. This is the reason why gratitude is such an important factor in keeping the morale of a workplace high. When a worker or colleague feels appreciated or shown gratitude for their hard work and accomplishments, they will have the drive to stay in great form and perform even better with any task assigned to them. With a smile, most definitely!
Gratitude is also a gift that keeps on giving, as even a little act of appreciation goes a long way. A person who feels valued will have a much better quality of life and in turn, have greater esteem which will boost everyone around them.
This week, we’ll find out how much gratitude affects our employees as well as co-workers, especially during difficult times. And more importantly, when to show gratitude so as not to come off as insincere and letting it become a norm instead.
The Best Gift for Employees is Gratitude – Here’s Why
Employees are a very important part of any organization. To keep them happy and functioning at their peak, they need to have good morale and a healthy environment. Thus, employers need to give recognition where it’s due. When leaders create an environment where recognizing the contributions of workers is applauded, a healthy and strong work culture will naturally thrive.
How Gratitude Can Help Us in Crisis
Many leaders think that giving too much gratitude may make them look weak in front of their employees. In turn, they fear getting taken advantage of. This is not the case as in a functioning workplace, the leaders set the tone. If the leader is appreciative and gives the recognition to accomplishments of his or her employees, it creates a culture of gratitude in the organization.
This is of the utmost importance especially in times of crisis. Staying together and keeping each other motivated is the foundation of a strong company, thus, the need to have a great sense of gratitude is needed for the professionals that we all are.
Can Workplace Gratitude Turn Useless?
This article shows us a unique and different angle or point-of-view of how gratitude is viewed. Gratitude may be an amazing attribute but there are times where negativity might surface when utilized wrongly. Let’s dive deeper into these situations and find out how we can bring gratitude into consideration in the best way possible.
How Gratitude & Reflection Saved My Life | David O’Mahoney | TEDxBristol

Such an inspirational speech by David O’Mahoney. From being down and out, literally at the brink of death, to rising back up again, stronger than ever. Determination builds upon gratitude, his life-changing story is one for the history books. Everyone can most definitely benefit from his bravery and practice on how we should be thankful in life and not take things for granted. Sit back, relax, and be inspired.
About Timeo-Performance

We were founded with a vision to improve the world of work for everyone

We are in the Skills Business!
Through recruitment, training and consulting, Timeo-Performance provides solutions for increased performance of companies, teams, and individuals. As our clients are in the center of global business and often serve the APAC region, our solutions need to be sustainable in a multicultural and remote context.
Our joint venture with Akteos, the European leader in intercultural training, and partnership with digital learning solutions provider CrossKnowledge have therefore been organic and logical additions to our service. Timeo-Performance has been helping companies in APAC increase business performance since 2008 with offices in Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong Kong.