Tackling Tough Conversations at Work

Be brave enough to start a conversation that matters

Just last Tuesday, the historic Trump-Kim summit finally happened in Singapore. From being “on” to “off” to “on” again, Trump’s apprehension regarding the summit prove that the first step of starting a difficult conversation is possibly the hardest to take. Like Trump, we too hesitate to have those necessary but difficult conversations. It could range from topics like pay, poor performance, late coming, inappropriate behaviour to firing in the workplace.

Are you afraid that you might not get your point across? Are you afraid to offend or upset your colleague or superior and the relationship? We understand the anxiety and stress that come before having that dreaded conversation.

And sometimes, your meetings at work can feel like talks about war and peace but luckily, only metaphorically.

In today’s digest, I compiled a list of articles on communication so that you no longer have to face conflict with fear and can finally master those difficult conversations using these strategies:

Improving communication in the workplace is a tricky task. Fortunately, Brian Appleton shares seven highly-effective techniques that will improve your organization’s workplace communication in this article.


Your colleague took you by complete surprise with his/her shocking words and actions. You feel blindsided. How should you respond? Let Deborah Goldstein share how a blindsiding story played out and offer a few strategies for how to emerge from your own troubling scenarios.

Given how much of our communication happens online, many of us feel underprepared for difficult face-to-face conversations–especially when they concern compensation, time off, performance, and long-term career plans. But these discussions are not only unavoidable, they’re critical to our professional growth and development. And nailing them demands going in with the right mind-set. Here are five strategies to help you get into the headspace that makes you the strongest communicator you possibly can be.


When lawyer Sarah Donnelly was diagnosed with breast cancer, she turned to her friends and family for support — but she also found meaning, focus and stability in her work.

In a 11-minute personal sharing about why and how she stayed on the job, she shares her insights on how workplaces can accommodate people going through major illnesses — because the benefits go both ways.


Isabelle Larche

Managing Director, Recruitment & Executive Search at Timeo-Performance

Isabelle is a Human Performance expert, with over 10 years of professional recruitment experience, and 15 years of Business Management Consulting experience. Isabelle is the Vice President of the French Chamber of Commerce and Trade Counsellor (Singapore Chapter) to the French Embassy.

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